Every library creates life-changing stories. We’re collecting them.

“As a little girl, I’d put on pantomimes, playing the characters in the books I read. I share this love of story with the children, some of them come with no English at all. Through our program we reach out to families who are isolated and need support, helping with schooling and linking them into appropriate services.”
Maria, Craigieburn Library

“I volunteer in the library’s storytelling project. We collect material which is used by a storyteller in aged care facilities. The things we’re doing for those homes and communities, we are also doing for ourselves; talking, interacting, communicating. It’s part of our innate need not to be so isolated.”
Victor, Doncaster Library

“I’ve only just started coming here, bringing my daughter down for the children’s activities. They’ve got an event on the weekend where they’re doing the Dr Who, Comic-Con thing. I might come down and bring her. She’s nearly two so she likes to head out and about and see different things. She loves it.”
Tim, Mill Park Library

“Every day I come here and study until five o’clock. I’m a GP from Iran but because I’m new here, I have to pass some exams. I’ve passed a lot of them, only one remains. There’s a prayer room in this library, it’s really good for me, I can pray if I want. I think libraries in Australia are fantastic.”
Vahedeh, Doncaster Library